Tuesday, April 10, 2007

English Material

For third grade, it would be better if I provide them with some links dealing with the final exam tests; here are some of them below:
  1. Soal UAN SMK Bahasa Inggris
  2. Materi Uan Bahasa Inggris
  3. Materi Listening UAN
  4. Bank Soal Ujian
  5. TOEIC dan UAN SMK
  6. Soal-Soal Bahasa Inggris SMK
  7. Prediksi UAN
  9. UN Bahasa Inggris
  10. Soal UN SMK 2008
  11. Kisi-Kisi Lengkap
  12. Presdiksi Soal UN
  13. Bank Soal Ujian Nasional
Want new prediction of final English test 2007/2008 for SMK, visit this site juga bisa di blognya mas Nugroho, sorry mas aku link... dan yang pasti cari aja di google Good Luck and bravo for SMK N 1 BATANG...May God Bless U in next final test


Esther Yudi said...

Thank you so much for you have put the link of mine here. I do appreciate that brother. Hope that these links could help the students.


Vocational English said...

hopefully, it helps..