Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Homeless and Restless

The hard Days During Rhamadan

Ramadan is a special months for Muslims; since it's a month for them to increase their quality of deeds. This month , however, is the hardest month among the other previous Rhamadans. Why? lihat dan baca Cerita dari Negeri Impian... We're homeless. A homeless means no rights to do, to possess, and to manage the household.What are needed in our household?
  1. Da'wat,compaign the way of life purported in Al- Qur'an and the practical live guidance narrated in Hadist
  2. Ta'lim wa Ta'alaum, do learning Al-Qur'an, as the way of life and the practical live guidance of our beloved prophet, Muhammad SAW
  3. Dzikir and Ibadat, any religious practices in Islam, such as reciting Al Qur'an, contemplation of thinking the commandment of Allah, the greatness of Allah, shalat etc
  4. Ikrom, fulfilling all of our needs dealing with foods, clothing, housing, transportation, health and other life supports for the family, the relatives, the neighbor, the society and even the animal and plants and our environment where we live in

Hence , it's something burden for a life without a house; as if we were a bird that keeps flying on the air....of course it's very exhausting. Actually, a house is first place where we can begin or start our activities. a place where we live, we have our beloved wife keep in it, and a place where we prepare our next generation. So, what can we do if we live or staying a house where there are other families, other with different interests, rules and values? Can we ride smoothly in one car with two or more drivers in it?

I do expect your input and will be patient to waiting forward yours in my mail box May our meeting in the Cyber World will be the first time for our next meetings in da'wat

spend our times in the path of Allah for 3, 10, 40 days, 4 months, masturot and ijtima'

Allah, who knows every matters the best