Contoh Percakapan Sehari-hari Menggunakan Common Expression Asking and Giving Opinion
Supaya kamu bisa berlatih untuk asking and giving opinion, coba simak percakapan di bawah ini, yuk!
Dialog 1:
Practice Dialogue: Resti bought a new dress.
Resti: Mom, look! I bought a beautiful dress!
Resti: Mama, coba lihat deh, aku habis beli gaun yang cantik!
Mom: Hmm, how much does it cost?
Mom: Hmm, berapa harganya?
Resti: It's not expensive, really. It's only one million. Do you have any ideas?
Resti: Nggak mahal, kok. Harganya cuma satu juta. Gimana menurutmu?
Mom: It's beautiful, but in my personal opinion, it's too expensive for a dress.
Mom: Cantik sih, tapi menurut mama ini terlalu mahal untuk sebuah dress.
Resti: But in my mind, it's really worth it, because the material is good and it's from a popular fashion brand.
Resti: Tapi menurutku ini sangat layak, soalnya bahannya bagus dan dia dari brand terkenal.
Mom: Next, I reckon that you should be wiser in spending money. There are many dresses that are much cheaper with good quality.
Mom: Ke depannya, mama pikir kamu harus lebih bijak dalam menghabiskan uang. Kan banyak dress yang harganya jauh lebih murah tapi kualitasnya bagus.
Resti: Yes, but I don't think there's anything wrong with buying expensive clothes once in a while.
Resti: Iya sih, tapi aku pikir nggak ada salahnya juga sesekali membeli baju mahal.
Mom: Well, how do you feel when you wear the dress? Are you happy and feel confident?
Mom: Ya sudah, bagaimana perasaanmu saat memakainya? Apakah kamu senang dan merasa percaya diri?
Rest: Of course! It makes me feel more beautiful and elegant.
Resti: Tentu saja! Ini membuatku merasa lebih cantik dan elegan.
Mom: I believe you’ll look more beautiful if you match the dress with a brown hijab.
Mom: Mama percaya kamu akan terlihat lebih cantik kalau memasangkan baju ini dengan hijab warna coklat.
Resti: Okay mom, I will do it. Thank you!
Resti: Oke ma, aku akan melakukannya. Thank you!
Dialog 2:
Practice Dialogue: Asking and giving opinions over the telephone.
Alfi: Hi Intan, thanks for picking up my call. I'm confused, Intan.
Alfi: Hai Intan, makasih ya udah angkat telepon aku. Aku lagi bingung nih, Intan.
Intan: Are you having problems? Just let me know.
Intan: Kamu lagi ada masalah? Sini cerita.
Alfi: So, I really want to continue my master's degree with a scholarship, but I'm not sure where to start. I need your opinion about it.
Alfi: Jadi aku tuh pengen lanjut sekolah S2 pakai beasiswa, tapi bingung harus mulai dari mana. Aku butuh pendapatmu.
Intan: From my point of view, you should make a scholarship plan, starting from deciding the major and what category of scholarship you want.
Intan: Aku pikir kamu harus bikin scholarship planning, mulai dari nentuin jurusan apa, sampai kategori beasiswa apa yang kamu pengen.
Alfi: I think I’ll take public policy, this major is absolutely in line with my previous bachelor's degree. Any comments?
Alfi: Aku pengen ambil jurusan kebijakan politik biar sesuai sama jurusanku sebelumnya. Ada komen?
Intan: As far as I know, you can choose Sweden, there are several campuses that offer this course.
Intan: Menurutku, kamu bisa coba pilih di Swedia, di sana ada beberapa kampus yang menyediakan jurusan tersebut.
Alfi: Wow, that's great. I really want to study in a Scandinavian country. Do you have any scholarship info?
Alfi: Wah, bagus tuh. Kebetulan aku pengen banget kuliah di negara skandinavia. Kamu punya info beasiswanya?
Intan: Of course, I have heard of a full scholarship called the Sweden Scholarship. You can search more on Google.
Intan: Oh ya, aku pernah dengar ada beasiswa full namanya Sweden Scholarship. Coba deh kamu browsing.
Alfi: But, fist I have to take an English certification, right?
Alfi: Tapi, aku pasti harus punya dulu sertifikat bahasa Inggris, kan?
Intan: Of course. You can take a course first at the English Academy by Ruangguru, they use the Cambridge curriculum as an international standard.
Intan: Tentu. Kamu bisa ambil kursus terlebih dahulu di English Academy by Ruangguru, di sana kurikulumnya sudah berstandar internasional.
Alfi: Alright, how long will it take to prepare all of the documents?
Alfi: Kira-kira butuh waktu berapa lama untuk mempersiapkannya?
Intan: I think 1 year is enough, as long as you have to be really focused and serious.
Intan: Kayaknya 1 tahun cukup, asal kamu harus benar-benar fokus dan serius.
Alfi: Okay, Intan, feel that I should make the plan correctly. Thank you, Intan. I'll call you back when the plan is done, I need your opinion.
Alfi: Oke deh Intan, aku rasa aku harus membuat plannya dengan benar. Terima kasih intan. Aku akan menelponmu kembali jika plannya sudah selesai, aku butuh pendapatmu.
Intan: Sure, you can call me anytime.
Intan: Sure, kamu bisa telpon aku kapanpun.
Alfi: Thanks Intan, bye!
Alfi: Makasih Intan, dadah!
Intan: With my pleasure, Alfi. Bye!
Intan: Dengan senang hati, Alfi. Dadah!
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